Basic Woodturning Tools

If you’re started your search about woodturning and you see loads of different tools, it can be confusing. There are many out there and some are for the more experienced woodturner. If you’re just getting started, it could be confusing to figure out which basic woodturning tools are the tools that are essential. So which woodturning tools do you really need?

Tool Sharpening 

20 minutes before each business meeting there will be a tool sharpening demonstration.  All members are invited to bring their tools and learn how to properly sharpen them under the auspices of an expert turner.

Suggested tools for sharpening are:

  • Bench grinder (8″ wheel or larger)
  • Grinder stand
  • Diamond dressing stone (the t-bar is better)
  • Oneway Wolverine Grinding Jig
  • Oneway Wolverine Vari-Grind Jig

Note: The Wolverine Grinding Jig mounts below the wheels on the bench grinder, which requires clearance between the base of the grinder and the grinding wheel.

It is best to get a grinder with a small base unit.

Basic Woodturning Tools Needed for Novice (Beginning) Woodturners

  • Narrow Parting Tool (Diamond)
  • 3/8″ Spindle Gouge
  • 1/2″ Skew Chisel
  • Roughing Gouge:
    • 3/4″ for a mini lathe
    • 1-1/4″ for a regular lathe
  • Bowl Gouge
    • 1/2″ for a mini lathe
    • 5/8″ for a regular lathe


The above tools may be found at Hardware Specialties in Anchorage, Alaska, or online at Penn State Industries or Craft Supplies, USA, or similar stores.

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