Sources for Various Woods

We are often asked where to find sources for various woods that can be used for woodurning. We have found these sites to be a great source for our members. If you find others, feel free to send us a message and we will vett the site to be added to our source list.

Hardware Specialties, Inc.
424 West 54th Avenue. Anchorage, AK 99518,  907-563-1312, 800-263-1312


Local source of domestic and exotic woods, also Oneway turning tools, lathes, chucks, etc.

The Wood Database


Great source to look up the properties, including grain/texture, workability, odor, allergies/toxicity and more on a large variety of woods.

Aloha Woods, Inc.
734770 Kanaiani St., Kailua-Kona, HI 96740, 808-329-5189


Good source of all Hawaiian woods

Gilmer Wood Co.
2211 N W St Helens Rd, Portland, OR 97210, 503-274-1271


Good source for exotics.

New Beginnings Wood, Inc.
John Keppinger, 3774 Cortez Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, 541-273-1576


Excellent source of Madrone burl, quality pool que blanks, and Oregon woods.

Maple Leaf Hardwoods
,2056 Foust Hill Road. Hughesville, PA17737

Paul Taran –


Good source of curly maple and curly cherry.

Northwest Timber
Lewis Judy, P O Box 1010, Jefferson, OR 97352, 541-327-1000



Excellent source of instrument grade maple, walnut, cherry and myrtle.


Steph’s Custom Sawyering
C/O Steph Baxter, 10648 S E 16th, Bellevue, WA 98004

Good source of curly and quilted maple, myrtle and various turning woods.

Superior Hardwood
Fairbanks, AK, tele: 907-457-8351, Fax: 907-457-8352

Source of turning stock.

Tropical Exotic Hardwoods of Latin America
Mitch Talcove, Carlsbad, CA, 760-434-3030


Best source and prices for exotics.

North Woods Figured Woods
Les Dougherty, PO Box 808, Forest Grove, OR 97116


Figured Wood: Big Leaf Maple, Black Walnut, White Oak, Black Locust, Madrone. Wood Projects: burls, turning blanks, lumber and more….

Offers a complete line of figured wood, burls, slabs and lumber.