Located at The Midtown Mall
600 E. Northern Lights Blvd. | Anchorage, AK
Public Show Dates: February 23 thru March 19, 2023
Exhibit will be closed every Tuesday and Wednesday
Sponsored by
Alaska Creative Woodworkers Association
Alaska Woodturners Association
Alaska Creative Scrollers
Last Frontier Woodcarvers
The public exhibit includes woodcarvings, woodworks, wood turnings, woodburnings, and creative works created on the scrollsaw.
The Artistry in Wood Competition is a friendly competition which is open to the public and is sponsored by woodworking clubs within Anchorage, Alaska during the Fur Rondy in late February through mid March. Members of the four clubs put on demonstrations, mingle with the public, and share their works through entering the Gallery & Competition.
Equipment moving and set up help before and after event
Check in items for event
Demonstrators are needed for the show. Minimal woodturning experience is all that is needed. Demonstrators must be a current AWA member. Volunteers can sign up here.
- Competition is open to the public
- General Information
- Submitting Your Entries: You are not limited on the number of items you may submit for competition. There will be a $2.00 entry fee for each item (up to $10.00) entered into the competition.
- Entry Deadlines:Entries will be accepted at the Midtown Mall on February 19-20, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Entry forms will be available at the time of submission.
About the Artistry In Wood Competition
- The main focus of Artistry in Wood is to promote the art of working with wood for everyone and to promote the local woodworking clubs.
- Artistry in Wood will not be used by anyone for advertising or sales of items that are on display.
- At no time will the address or phone number of the competitors be available to the public. A small card with the name of the artist will be placed alongside the displayed item.
- If anyone should inquire about purchasing an item, their name and phone number will be taken and given to the artist at the end of the exhibit. Items for “display only” will be accepted on “space available” basis. No advertising or business cards will be on “display only” items.
Picking Up Your Entries After the Show
- Entries must be picked up on March 20, 2023, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM at the “show area” in the Midtown Mall. The person entering the item for competition or display is responsible for making sure their items are picked up.
- The Last Frontier Woodcarvers, Alaska Creative Woodworkers Association, Alaska Woodturners Association, Alaska Creative Woodscrollers, or any volunteer or official of Artistry in Wood is not responsible for entries not picked up by the person entering the item at the time scheduled for pickup.
Judging will take place on February 21, 2023 at 10:00 AM and the Artistry in Wood Show will not be open to the public during judging. Judging takes place in each individual discipline and all decisions of the judges are final. All ribbons are awarded based on merit. Just because there is only one entry in a Class does not mean that it has to receive a first place ribbon. There is no requirement that judges award ribbons in all Divisions or Classes for which there are entries.
- First place winners are automatically entered to compete for Division ribbons.
- Division winners are automatically entered to compete for Best of Show.ANNUAL EXHIBIT AND COMPETITIONOPEN TO THE PUBLICLocated at The Midtown Mall
600 E. Northern Lights Blvd. | Anchorage, AKPublic Show Dates: February 23 thru March 19, 2023
Exhibit will be closed every Tuesday and Wednesday
Sponsored by
Alaska Creative Woodworkers Association
Alaska Woodturners Association
Alaska Creative Scrollers
Last Frontier WoodcarversThe public exhibit includes woodcarvings, woodworks, wood turnings, woodburnings, and creative works created on the scrollsaw.
The Artistry in Wood Competition is a friendly competition which is open to the public and is sponsored by woodworking clubs within Anchorage, Alaska during the Fur Rondy in late February through mid March. Members of the four clubs put on demonstrations, mingle with the public, and share their works through entering the Gallery & Competition.
Equipment moving and set up help before and after event
Check in items for event
Demonstrators are needed for the show. Minimal woodturning experience is all that is needed. Demonstrators must be a current AWA member. Volunteers can sign up here.GENERAL INFORMATION AND RULES
- Competition is open to the public
- General Information
- Submitting Your Entries: You are not limited on the number of items you may submit for competition. There will be a $2.00 entry fee for each item (up to $10.00) entered into the competition.
- Entry Deadlines:Entries will be accepted at the Midtown Mall on February 19-20, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Entry forms will be available at the time of submission.
About the Artistry In Wood Competition
- The main focus of Artistry in Wood is to promote the art of working with wood for everyone and to promote the local woodworking clubs.
- Artistry in Wood will not be used by anyone for advertising or sales of items that are on display.
- At no time will the address or phone number of the competitors be available to the public. A small card with the name of the artist will be placed alongside the displayed item.
- If anyone should inquire about purchasing an item, their name and phone number will be taken and given to the artist at the end of the exhibit. Items for “display only” will be accepted on “space available” basis. No advertising or business cards will be on “display only” items.
Picking Up Your Entries After the Show
- Entries must be picked up on March 20, 2023, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM at the “show area” in the Midtown Mall. The person entering the item for competition or display is responsible for making sure their items are picked up.
- The Last Frontier Woodcarvers, Alaska Creative Woodworkers Association, Alaska Woodturners Association, Alaska Creative Woodscrollers, or any volunteer or official of Artistry in Wood is not responsible for entries not picked up by the person entering the item at the time scheduled for pickup.
Judging will take place on February 21, 2023 at 10:00 AM and the Artistry in Wood Show will not be open to the public during judging. Judging takes place in each individual discipline and all decisions of the judges are final. All ribbons are awarded based on merit. Just because there is only one entry in a Class does not mean that it has to receive a first place ribbon. There is no requirement that judges award ribbons in all Divisions or Classes for which there are entries.
- First place winners are automatically entered to compete for Division ribbons.
- Division winners are automatically entered to compete for Best of Show.
To download the Flyer, click here
Volunteers Needed
Demonstrators are needed for the show. Minimal woodturning experience is all that is needed. Demonstrators must be a current AWA member. Demonstrators can sign up here.