Please submit photos of your work to be displayed here on the Instant Gallery page.
Each year we select a “Best of Show” winner from the Instant Gallery entries. We call this award the “Randy Farris Award”. Randy was a founding member of the Alaska Woodturners Association. We lost Randy to cancer several years ago and have since created the Randy Ferris Award to recognize outstanding turnings in his honor. A plaque hangs on the wall at Hardware Specialties in Anchorage, AK listing previous winners of this award. This year’s winning name will be added to the plaque.
Entry Requirements/limitations:
- Photo submissions are reserved for AWA members only.
- Maximum of 3 entries per club member.
- Entry must contain some elements that were turned on a wood lathe.
TO SUBMIT YOUR WORK: Please submit a picture along with a short description of your work, and we will get it posted. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT IMAGES